Outdoor Toddler play ideas/toy's. Keeping them entertained in the garden.


Hey All. I hope you’re ok and managing to keep safe and well. I don’t know about you but that recent warm weather caught us out with outdoor play toys and ideas to keep the boys entertained. I asked on my insta stories for inspiration and I had tons of suggestions. You asked me to share them with you alongside my own recommendations, so here you go. We’re spending more time than ever at home, so I know I needed these ideas.

*Some of these are affiliate links, this means I get a small % of commission for recommending them, you don’t pay any more for them, it’s just a little tiny thank you. I really appreciate you using them as it all adds up and goes in to the boys savings account. I spend a lot of time creating free content and this is now my job, so I’m trying to carry on working alongside being a full time mum when I can.

Fingers crossed the weather improves and we have a glorious Spring and Summer xx

*Check what age different items are suitable for and use your own judgement:-

Bouncy Castle https://amzn.to/2RCDdfu

Paddling pool https://amzn.to/3bcrKe7

Balls (Any football or bouncy ball) https://amzn.to/3fMTBnN (these are fab and mega bouncy! The boys love them!

Goal net https://amzn.to/2REnsog

Trampoline https://www.jdwilliams.co.uk/shop/shop//_/N-1ytvfx8/Ntt-YH228FX/products/show.action?hnid=10966344&type=cmr

Swing https://www.tptoys.com/swings

Slide 2-in-1-65ft-wavy-slide-with-water-sprinkler-multi-coloured


Playsets https://www.outdoortoys.co.uk/rebo-wooden-swing-set-plus-deck-slide-pluto-green?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWQb4ZQ_zQQLgLSfpOzI_OHok9YOrKGQmhwErjrVsBjTZEkO8EXeYVEaAlN8EALw_wcB


Cars (just any toy cars) 

Bubbles https://amzn.to/2LodYKd

Cosy Coupe Car https://www.littletikes.co.uk/toy-shop/ranges/cozy-coupe/

Little Tikes cube https://www.littletikes.co.uk/junior-activity-gym-natural/

Tunnels https://amzn.to/2XyuNJM

Outdoor ball pit https://amzn.to/2xn4dJ1

Pop up tent https://amzn.to/3cm3iXQ

Teepee https://amzn.to/2RFxS7c


Giant chalk https://amzn.to/2K8pGIs

Ride on https://amzn.to/2RHeZR5

Water table https://amzn.to/2yXTl4w https://www.littletikes.co.uk/toy-shop/sand-water-tables/

Sandpit https://www.littletikes.co.uk/toy-shop/sand-water-tables/

Mud kitchen https://amzn.to/3aeq1ng 



Hose pipes

Splash pads https://amzn.to/2XEcses

Push along truck https://www.studio.co.uk/shop/en/studio/mega-truck-the-biggest?source=TK26&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=--always_on--PLA%20%7C%20Toys%20&%20Games%20%7C%20TK26&utm_term=--P_24191175--&utm_content=--pla--&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWQfDp3-QrQFQIYFGJmXae0AFac0eaySfeE9MBrfKQe-fdUP9RwoINYaAglAEALw_wcB

Lawn Mower https://amzn.to/2K6zu5z

Watering Can https://amzn.to/3bfvFH2

Playhouse https://www.smoby.com/en/products/outdoor/houses/


Truff Tray https://amzn.to/3cmptgM

Fab ideas to use a tuff tray :- 


Aquaplay lockbox https://amzn.to/34Fye2Y

Cardboard boxes

Pirate Ship https://www.littletikes.co.uk/anchors-away-pirate-ship/

Golf Set https://amzn.to/2RFsKzO (we threw the balls away as there quite small, we use ones from the ball pit)

Play dough 

Gardening tools for kids https://amzn.to/2VpgW5C

Play Ideas :-

Messy play using jelly, cereal, whatever you fancy!

High chair painting. Sponges of paint on paper covered tightly with cling film.

Freezer bags filled with coloured water and taped to the glass doors, fence etc.

Bird feeders using cherries and straw pipes

Buckets of soapy water with sponges and paint brushes.

Washing cars, just get a bucket of water and brushes and get them to clean their little cars.

Rolling balls down guttering tubes

Mud and stones! Lot’s of people saying this is all their children want to play with lol! Obviously only included for a laugh, I don’t advise playing with stones unless its while being observed an you’re counting them in to a jar or something.

Kitchen pots and pans.

Float or sink. A big plastic tub of water, see what floats or sinks. Use any household items you fancy.

Flour and a sieve 

Sorting pots of poms poms in to colours

Dye cooked spaghetti or rice and have fun getting messy

Bug hunting

Teddy bear picnic

Sectioning off the garden and letting them roam around safely &

Take indoor toys outside.

I hope that helps. It’s just a quick blog, i’m sure you can find even more ideas online. Thanks for reading xx